Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth
Of all foods and beverages harmful to one’s oral health, soda is definitely one of the top most dangerous things a person can drink—especially a
Of all foods and beverages harmful to one’s oral health, soda is definitely one of the top most dangerous things a person can drink—especially a
Does your son or daughter suck his or her thumb? Did you know that thumb sucking, and even prolonged pacifier use, could affect your child’s
In recent years, tooth decay among children has increased in prevalence. The Center for Disease Control attributes this to increased sugar intake, drinking non-fluoridated water,
Your child’s oral health is important. Preserving his or her teeth and gums should be an essential part of your daily routine. Oral health is
Many people associate gum disease with adulthood but the truth is that anyone, of any age, can develop periodontal (gum) disease. When periodontal disease goes
Unfortunately, children can suffer from sensitive teeth just like their parents can. Often, this sensitivity occurs in response to temperature changes. Many of the causes
Algunos creen que la gingivitis no es un problema oral serio. Lo opuesto es cierto, ya que la gingivitis puede afectar grandemente la salud oral,
Las chupetas son una herramienta útil para tranquilizar a los bebés, y son efectivamente preferibles a que se chupen el dedo. Sin embargo, cuando los
Children can be reluctant to getting dental care either at home or from a children’s dentist if the process seems scary or unfamiliar to them.
1. Empiece temprano Entre más pronto lleve a su bebé al dentista, más fácil será. La Dra. Rhea Haugseth, presidenta de la Academia Americana de