Dental Depot Presents: Kids Review Dental Products

To celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month, we brought together some of Dental Depot’s youngest fans to help us test out some dental products we found on the internet! Some were nice and others were nasty, check out how our panel of brave young scientists rated the products below! In keeping with the pursuit of science, we sent them in blind without telling them what the products were or how to use them, except for what they read on the packaging.
*This is not a true scientific study.
**No children were harmed in the making of this video.
***This video/blog does not constitute a recommendation or promotion of any of the included products. Check with your dentist for their recommendations.


Gumchucks are a unique flossing tool that resembles miniature nunchucks. Each handle connects to a disposable tip that has a small piece of dental floss. This tool is meant to increase dexterity and control, especially in younger children and those with limited mobility to help create a ‘C’ shaped flossing experience. While the Gumchucks were a hit with our two youngest helpers, the older kids were more skeptical on the practical use. Our Kids Give it: 2/5 Thumbs Up.

Tongue Cleaner

Tongue cleaners and tongue scrapers are used to remove a thin film of plaque that typically develops overnight, causing bad breath. Starting at the back of the tongue, the tiny squeegee should be pulled down and rinsed off, taking the bad breath germs with it. That said, our kids seemed a bit miffed by the experience. Our Kids Give It: 2/5 Thumbs Up.

Bacon Floss

We knew that “waxed bacon floss” was a gag gift, but our kiddos didn’t balk at it. And while it is actually IS dental floss, it failed to deliver on its promise of bacony goodness. The kids all admitted it smelled like bacon, but when it came to taste…most responded that it tasted like nothing, or just tasted bad in general. Sorry, bacon aficionados, this isn’t the floss for you. Our Kids Give it: 0/5 Thumbs Up.

Three-Sided Toothbrush

While our kids didn’t know that a three-sided toothbrush was designed for patients with special needs and/or those with limited mobility, our kids actually really liked using it once they figured out how it worked. The unique design of the toothbrush actually cleans front, top and back all once for easy, faster cleanings. Our Kids Give It: 3/5 Thumbs Up.

Crayola Toothpaste

Crayola partnered with GUM to make this Squeeze-a-Color toothpaste in fun flavors (we tried, they’re delicious) and a small, crayon-shaped nozzle that limits the amount of toothpaste that can be squeezed out at once. The smaller nozzle helps kids get just the right amount, a pea-sized dollop, and reduces the mess left on the counter. This is actually an anti-cavity, fluoride toothpaste, so you don’t have to worry about it actually giving you cavities with its sugary sweet flavors. Our Kids Give It: 3/5 Thumbs Up.

Cupcake Toothpaste

Now, this is a “gag” gift! As in, its sugary “vanilla” cupcake frosting flavor actually had all of our kids gagging. Unlike the Crayola toothpaste, this toothpaste doesn’t have any fluoride so you’re not doing yourself or your kids any favors. Our Kids Give It: 0/5 Thumbs Up.

Water Flosser

While we didn’t feature this product in the video, this water flosser was the star of the show for our kids. It’s affordable, portable and doesn’t require batteries. The kids had so much fun with this, we wish we’d ordered enough to send one home with everybody. Take it from us, 2-3 pumps is plenty of pressure. Our Kids Give it: 5/5 Thumbs Up.

If you haven’t seen our video or just want to watch it again, you can do so below! Do you have ideas for our next video? Comment and let us know what you’d like to see reviewed next!

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