
The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Dental Treatment

Nearly 80% of Americans put off getting the oral care they need because of cost, but neglecting to make the investment in good dental health today has hidden costs that can affect your finances, physical health, and quality of life well into the future. Treating dental problems like decay, gingivitis, misalignment, missing teeth, and poor oral hygiene now can help you avoid more costly dental procedures down the road.

Oklahoma ranks as one of the worst for dental care in both children and adults, with 21% of all adults over the age of 65 having lost all of their teeth due to insufficient dental care. Only 16% of children went to the dentist at all within the first two years, and less than 15% of kids up to age 14 had sealants applied to their molars. A simple dental procedure can play a big role in stopping cavities and decay in children and young adults.

At Dental Depot of Oklahoma, we’ve made it our mission to make high-quality dental care affordable, available, and accessible to everyone, including our most vulnerable populations. Whether it’s with comprehensive dental services the whole family can get at one location, flexible scheduling, or plenty of commonsense payment options, Dental Depot of Oklahoma is here to help you afford the dental care you need now and avoid the hidden costs of waiting.

Asian woman puts her hand on her mouth and feels toothache because of tooth decay.

4 Ways to Preserve Your Oral Health and Protect Your Pocketbook

Everyone is different, but in most cases, small changes made now can prevent big problems later. If you do not address an issue early on, it can develop into something more complex that not only costs a lot more to fix but also threatens both your oral and overall health.

Here are 4 ways you can invest in your oral health now to keep you from spending more in the future. 


1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene products and a regular oral hygiene routine–including a bi-annual professional cleaning–help minimize plaque and tartar buildup. You don’t have to get too fancy–just look for toothpaste or mouthwash with fluoride, and replace your toothbrush every few months to continue getting the best clean. 

Average cost of dental supplies every three months: $49

Average cost of a routine dental cleaning and exam: around $125, without insurance.

However, most insurances will cover 100% of routine cleanings and exams.

Without proper routine care, plaque and tartar will accumulate on your teeth, leading to problems like cavities and decay and gingivitis. 


The hidden costs of not practicing good regular oral hygiene care include:

Filling, to treat a cavity: $147-$250 or more, but can vary widely based on various factors

Tooth whitening treatment, to address stains from lack of brushing: $400

Dental deep cleaning, to treat early gingivitis: $150-$300, or higher with anesthetics

Scaling and root planing, to treat advanced gingivitis: around $200


2. Treat Decay

With advancements like fluoride, sealants, conscious sedation/nitrous oxide, Curodont, and silver diamine, it’s easier, faster, and less stressful than ever to treat decay at its earlier stages or even prevent it from developing in the first place. However, without these preventive measures, small areas of decay start to erode the enamel of the tooth and can make their way deeper into the dental pulp where it causes a serious infection that can cause the loss of the tooth or even broader infection throughout the body.

Average cost of fluoride treatment: $20-$50

Average cost of sealants: $50-$60

Average cost of silver diamine fluoride: $20-$25

Most insurances will cover nearly 100% of preventive treatments like these.


The hidden costs of not getting a cavity filled can include:

Root canal: $770-$2471

Crown: $1288, will typically need to be replaced at least once in a person’s life

Tooth extraction: $829-$1620, depending on how infected the area is


3. Treat Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, or periodontitis. If you avoid the costs of treating it early, gingivitis will develop into periodontitis and cause a constant low-level infection. The gums can pull away from the teeth, exposing the tooth roots, which are especially vulnerable to decay. Patients can see an uptick in cavities, which may lead to fillings or root canals if the decay progresses deep enough. Teeth that have been too severely damaged by decay or too many fillings typically need more intensive protection, such as a crown.

Advanced periodontitis can also lead to bone deterioration in the jaw, causing teeth to become loose in their sockets or fall out completely, requiring extraction and tooth replacement.

Average cost of dental deep cleaning, to treat early gingivitis: $150-$300, or higher with anesthetics

Average cost of scaling and root planing, to treat advanced gingivitis: around $200

Average cost of periodontitis treatment: $1400, which may reoccur

Average cost of gum grafting, to treat advanced periodontitis: $250 and up

Average cost of periodontal maintenance after therapy: $115


The hidden costs of not treating gingivitis or periodontitis can include:

Tooth extraction: $829-$1620, depending on how infected the area is

Cost of one dental implant: $3000-$4500

Dental bridge: $500-$2000


4. Preserve Jaw Integrity

Orthodontic issues such as misalignment or an uneven bite and replacing missing teeth can seem pricey upfront, but taking care of them early helps protect your oral health for the rest of your life. Over and underbites, severely misaligned teeth, and even missing teeth can cause the muscles of the face to become imbalanced, leading to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, causing pain and dysfunction. Not replacing missing teeth can also lead to bone atrophy in the jaw.

Average cost of braces: $5000-$6000

Average cost of Invisalign/clear aligners: $1000-$3000

Average cost of conventional dentures: $800-$1500, replacement every seven to ten years

Average cost of dental implants: $3000-$4500 for one implant

Average cost of dental bridge: $500-$2000


The hidden costs of not correcting bite or alignment issues or replacing missing teeth can include:

TMJ therapy: $350 for mouthguards and appointments repeating up to twice per week for multiple months, up to $10000 for surgical intervention, not all patients respond to treatment

Bone grafting in the jaw, to improve bone structure and density: $1000-$3000, with more complex bone grafts costing upwards of $10,000


Other Costs of Ignoring Dental Care

Beyond the dollar signs, there are other hidden costs to ignoring dental care. Not taking care of your oral health can have serious consequences to your physical health. For example, an oral exam, which typically costs around $75 without insurance, is the first line of defense against costly conditions such as oral cancer, bruxism (tooth grinding, which damages teeth and can cause TMJ disorder), and sleep apnea (which can be detrimental to your health).

There are also intangible costs to avoiding dental care. An unhealthy mouth and smile can contribute to problems like a loss of self-esteem and confidence, a decrease in social well-being and mental health, and problems with facial development, speech, and breathing. You may miss school or work due to dental pain or other symptoms, and adults may even find that the condition of their smile interferes with their ability to get or keep employment—which is, by itself, an annual cost of potentially tens of thousands of dollars.

Protect Your Dental Health with Dental Depot of Oklahoma

Statistics show that adults who practice good dental hygiene and get regular care end up saving about 31% in dental costs over a span of five years. Conversely, those who do not prioritize their oral health spend 43% more than they would if they had maintained baseline levels of good dental care.

At Dental Depot of Oklahoma, we believe our patients are family, and we treat them as such. That means providing quality, comprehensive dental care at a commonsense price, so you can afford to take care of your dental health today instead of waiting for more costly treatment down the road. Whether you have insurance, need to finance, or want to take advantage of our dental savings program, Dental Depot of Oklahoma has you covered with options to help you pay for the care you need, including CareCredit and SoonerCare for Medicaid patients. We also host several free dental care clinics throughout the year for the underserved patients in our communities.

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