
Dental Implants

The Benefits of Dental Implants

The loss of just one adult tooth affects more than just your smile. Tooth loss can lead to bone atrophy, leaving neighboring teeth unsupported and putting you at risk for further tooth loss. Patients who are missing multiple teeth may also face additional risks to their oral and overall health, including a negative impact on the person’s emotional well-being. People who have suffered tooth loss have sometimes reported feeling incomplete or embarrassed of their appearance, and sometimes even isolate themselves due to depression and anxiety. 

At Dental Depot, we understand that losing a tooth can be a sensitive issue, but it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We encourage patients who have experienced tooth loss to explore their replacement options as soon as possible to avoid bone loss, which can negatively affect a person’s candidacy for some tooth replacement treatments, and to return their confidence.

There are a variety of tooth replacement options available today, all of which can help preserve the shape, strength, and function of your mouth, teeth, and jaws. The right solution for you will depend on a number of factors, such as your age, how many teeth you’re missing, the current health and condition of your jaw, your lifestyle, and your preferences.

Dental implants are one of the most successful and highly recommended dental restoration options, and with advancements in technology and techniques, more people than ever are now candidates. All-on-4 dental implants and zygomatic implants make dental implants possible even for patients with poor jaw bone density, and, and, thanks to tools like digital x-rays, intraoral 3D imaging, cone beam computed tomography, and soft tissue laser, the procedure itself is less invasive, more reliable, and more predictable.

Dental Implants: The Most Natural Solution

Tooth replacement options such as fixed bridges and dentures offer only limited relief from the side effects of tooth loss. They also can have side effects of their own, such as the need to replace bridges in order to avoid bone loss, or an uncomfortable fit with dentures. 

Dental implants are different. Dental implants do more than simply replace missing teeth above the gum line. They also act as an anchor below the gum line and stimulate the bone just like natural teeth would. Plus, dental implants are durable, lasting 10 to 15 years longer than other prosthetic options.

Though the term is used to describe the entire procedure and prosthetic, dental implants actually only refer to the tiny titanium posts implanted into the jaw bone, which are then covered with an abutment and a crown, or artificial tooth.

Implant Dentistry at Dental Depot

At Dental Depot, we’re committed to helping every Oklahoman achieve the beautiful, healthy smile they deserve. Our team of professionals includes prosthodontists, oral surgeons, and orthodontists, in addition to general dentists with extensive experience in dental prosthetics, all of whom use the latest in technology and best practices to deliver the comprehensive care you need for a lifetime of good oral health.

Dental Implant FAQs

Can you restore your smile with dental implants?

You don’t have to go on living with missing teeth. Implant dentistry makes it possible to surgically replace missing teeth with new prosthetic teeth that look, feel and perform like natural teeth.

How do dental implants differ from bridges or dentures?

Tooth replacement options such as fixed bridges and dentures offer only limited relief from the side effects of tooth loss. They also can have side effects of their own, such as the need to replace bridges in order to avoid bone loss, or an uncomfortable fit with dentures. 

Dental implants are different. Dental implants do more than simply replace missing teeth above the gum line. They also act as an anchor below the gum line and stimulate the bone just like natural teeth would. Plus, dental implants are durable, lasting 10 to 15 years longer than other prosthetic options.

How do dental implants work?

A dental implant replaces the lost roots of teeth. Overlooked by other prosthetics (which only replace the visible crowns of teeth), the roots of teeth are very important for maintaining healthy bone mass. Once a tooth is lost, bone is left unstimulated. Because dental implants are made from a strong and bio-compatible titanium, the bone surrounding the implant will generate new tissue and integrate to the implant. As the implant stabilizes, a permanent prosthetic such as a dental crown or series of dental crowns (a bridge) can be attached to an abutment that slightly protrudes through the gums. 

Once the prosthetic is secured to the implant, a patient’s smile is beautifully restored with a very natural looking and functioning tooth replacement. The entire process from implant to placement of the crown typically takes six months to complete, although this can vary based on individual treatment needs.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer unique advantages when compared to other tooth replacement options. First, stabilized implants are very durable and long lasting. Unlike dentures, a dental implant can hold prosthetics firmly for decades, if not the rest of a person’s life. This durability is important for restoring oral function, too, because implants allow patients to eat a full diet of even difficult to chew foods. Dentures tend to become ill fitting over time, while dental implants won’t.

Dental implants also are low maintenance. Unlike dentures, which require removal for cleaning, or bridges that might need water irrigation underneath their crowns, dental implants are cleaned by brushing and flossing, just like your natural teeth.

How do I schedule a dental implant consultation?

If you have suffered tooth loss and want to explore your replacement options, schedule your consultation today! During your consultation, our team will answer your questions, provide information about the procedure and perform an exam to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. 

If for some reason you are not a candidate for dental implants, our team will suggest other tooth replacement options that might be better suited to your particular needs. Our team believes that no one should have to suffer the health or quality of life effects of an incomplete smile. 

Do dental implants need to be replaced?

Dental implants are one of the most durable tooth replacement options, primarily because they are anchored below the gumline and fuse with the bone in the jaw. They tend to last 10 to 15 years longer than alternative options and rarely, if ever, require replacement. 

Is a dental implant an artificial tooth?

An implant refers to a tiny titanium screw that is placed in the jaw below the gumline; it acts as an artificial tooth root. The implant is then covered by an abutment and a crown, with the crown serving as the artificial tooth. 

Can you still have dental problems after you get dental implants?

While a dental implant cannot get a cavity or tooth decay, you should still care for them as you would your natural teeth and for several reasons. First, you are still susceptible to gingivitis, gum disease, and infection, even with implants, and secondly, you still need to protect any remaining natural teeth you may have.

Even with dental implants, good dental hygiene practices are essential for long term oral health and overall well being. Daily brushing and flossing are essential to caring for both your implants and your natural teeth, as are bi-annual visits to the dentist, which can also serve as an opportunity to detect early signs of peri-implantitis, a form of gum disease specific to the bone and tissue around dental implants.  

Are dental bone grafts necessary for dental implant surgery?

Bone grafting, a surgical procedure in which healthy bone is transplanted to rebuild or repair damaged or diseased bone, is not always necessary for patients undergoing dental implant surgery, but it is fairly common. Bone grafting is most often necessary when a patient doesn’t have enough natural bone in their jaw to support dental implants. It can take anywhere from four to six months to even eight months to a year for bone grafts to heal.

If you require bone grafting before dental implant surgery, your specialist will walk you through the various types of grafts and make a recommendation on which graft is most appropriate for you, then schedule your implant surgery based on the timeline for your bone graft procedure and healing. Once the bone graft has healed, you can proceed with your dental implant surgery procedure.

How successful are dental implants?

Dental implants have a nearly 98% success rate for most patients and with proper care, can last a lifetime without needing replacement.


Dental Depot Oklahoma is one of only a few offices that uses CBCT technology to increase positive outcomes for dental implant surgery. CBCT technology allows the dentist to take a 3D image of your mouth, which offers important information about the implant site or sites, including precise bone measurements, insights on the quality of the bone, placement of blood vessels and nerves, and the existence of any abnormalities which might impact the procedure. By gathering all of this specific data before even starting the procedure, our dental implant surgeries are even more reliable and accurate. 


Dental Depot also offers All-on-4, or Teeth in a Day, dental implants. This procedure removes the non-restorable teeth, places the dental implants, and delivers a temporary prosthesis (teeth) all in one day, saving patients time and money and preventing future bone loss.

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